Monday, March 7, 2011


Ok so I was made redundantlast week. I left on wednesday, less than 8 hours after I found the letter on my desk saying there would be a meeting to discuss my now distablished position.
I told them I wasnt interested in a meeting for being given time to feed back on said meeting as having worked in HR before I know it is just following process and would have no effect on the outcome and I did not wish to work out my notice but wanted to be paid in lieu plus a few extras. I got all that I requested and packed up my desk that evening and left, suddenly, leaving a trail of unanswered questions from others. I wanted to cut ties and leave quickly and quietly, I couldnt continue to work there and remain professional in light of the way things were being done. I am not one for big farewells and grand speeches, especially when they come from false lips.
The morning after it all happened I woke up feeling like a huge weight had been lifted from me and I had slept properly for the first time in months. I might be the best thing and the opportunity I have been looking for.

So now I fling my CV far and wide and see what happens, I had an interview today with a scientific research facility that is working on methods to convert waste gases from industries into Bio-fuel, it was very interesting and innovative stuff and would like to see if things progress with that interview, it's cutting edge and would be an interesting and exciting thing to be part of.
Tomorrow I have an interview with the head of the excellence in learning and teaching facility at the local polytechnic as they have some work they want me to have a look at.

So I wait and do housework and washing and make tomatoe relish and pickles with all my garden vegetables and cook real meals for my son instead of quickfire 20min meals he normally gets. I dont get up at 6am every morning now and walk the dogs when I feel like it during the day. It wont last, it's temporary, I need to work, I have a mortgage the size of the grand canyon, however my negotiated severence pay has afforded me a little time to be able to look for something of substance rather than something to keep my head above water.

I am ok with it, I know things will work out and I feel a lot better than I have in months, the clouds arent so dark now.

DG (Dynamo Guy) and I spent a weekend together in Wellington before this happened, a little break away and while my mind was stewing and I was probably not the best company being so preoccupied, he was a model of patience and understanding and support and cuddles so I came back ready to face what was happening.
He gathers me. When my mind fragments and spins in all different directions and chaos of thought and panic set in, he is the logic to my madness and the stability to my quicksand that so often can drag me down. He gathers me.

Onwards and upwards. :-)


  1. Thats disestablished lol. My typos are terrible when my mind is typing faster than my fingers.

  2. "He gathers me" - that is one of the most beautiful things I've heard said of a significant other. I'm so pleased to hear that you are feeling lighter and freer having cut ties with the old job. Maybe I've just been lucky, but every time something has happened to throw a wrench into my carefully laid plans, I look back later and think, "So THAT'S why that happened!" Best of luck in your interviews.
