Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Impatience is not a good attribute.

So ok I am doing contract work for the local Polytechnic, which is good, not great pay but keeping things ticking over. The Scientific Research Company job, I was supposed to have the second interview meet and greet thing which was to meet the Chief Scientific Officer and company founder last Friday, well it was delayed and I have the interview tomorrow instead. The job sounds great but getting there is a problem, the ferry from home to the city is not a problem but then its a 2 km walk along the waterfront to Parnell and no buses or other public transport. In the fine weather this is not an issue, in the middle of winter with pouring rain and howling wind its not so enticing, so this is causing me some concern with the position.

On another note I attended another interview at a company that is only a 25 minute drive from home and they have called me back for a second interview with the CEO and COO this Friday.

So all in all things are happening and things are looking very promising but things are not happening very quickly. I used to be very laid back and calm about things but as I have aged this seems to have diminished. I will be better once I have full time permanent employment and know exactly where I stand and can restructure my budget. Geeky I know but I have to, being single and having a huge mortgage I need the security and to know that I can meet my payments etc and its about the only thing I am anal about is making sure the bills are paid.
No actually I am not single I have DG but we dont live together so I am single when it comes to paying the bills.


  1. It's impossible not to be impatient in that situation. It's stressful. You have responsibilities, and you're an extremely responsible person who isn't going to let them go by the wayside. Things will happen - they just never seem to happen as quickly as we want.

  2. I feel for you, though I have found myself learning much more patience as I get older. But I'm also really pleased that things have happened as quickly as they have for you so far. Already working and two good potential opportunities? Way to go!
