Well yet another week rocks on past and now its blardy Friday....the sun is shining into my office and I am contentedly dozing like a cat in the sun. All this and its only lunchtime.
I have a haphazard weekend lined up that consists of watching rugby and drinking copious amounts at the local Boat Club tonight, carting my adorable teenage son to soccer tomorrow probably with a bitch of a hangover and trying to avoid doing housework. I can never avoid it, something in me just keeps niggling away until I do it......I think it's mum's spirit nagging me.
Unless I can get the girls on a roll for tomorrow night it may be down to " the club" again on Saturday. All in all not terribly exciting or out of the norm.
This in itself is a problem because I have become so complacent about going to "The Club" as its known by the locals that I very rarely venture out into the big wide world or city as the case may be.
All this is not conducive to me meeting the man of my dreams because I live in a small seaside "town" for want of a better description. Now, the big town is only a 20 min drive away but it does not beckon me at all unless my team of very supportive very determined girlfriends can inspire some kind of enthusiam in me to meet them in "town" . Apparently I need to get out of the village and expand my horizons.........everything else about me is expanding in middleage so why not my horizons as well.
As far as meeting the man of my dreams goes.........well I think he lives up in the far north of Alaska or somewhere equally as far from me because at 43 if I havent spied any sign of him yet or located even the slightest hint he may exist I am not entirely sure that he is not just a figment of my over active, over chocolated imagination.
Have a great weekend all.
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