Pah! another assignment due today and typical of me leave the bulk of it till the last moment.
I refused to work on it yesterday, yesterday I turned 45 and I am stuffed if I was going to spend my birthday doing an assignment lol.
Instead I got my eyebrows done, and had lunch with my Aunty and wasted time, it was great.
I am on my second to last paper and can see the light at the end of the study tunnel..Feb next year it will all be over rover and I will have some semblence of a life back that will involve lots of going out and enjoying myself and not getting any sleep due to said hectic social life instead of not getting any sleep cause I am fretting over exams, assignments and studying.
I have become incredibly adept at banging out a 2000 word essay or report with minimal prep. This actually scares me because if I settled into something and actually applied myself to capacity I could be a rocket scientist or something equally astounding maybe.
Instead I was gifted with the attention span of a knat so my focus shifts incredibly easily and swiftly. If I am bored there is no keeping me interested at all and by the time you have found something that might be interesting I have moved on and am 50 miles aways figurativly speaking. This is why my school reports always said "Joanne needs to learn to apply herself and stop distracting others".
I have done many things in my 45 years to date,
I have my open water advanced diving ticket. I no longer dive
I have my Boat Masters Ticket, own a boat so I guess thats still relevant.
I have raced an outlaw dirt track car, dont anymore
I have raced motorbikes (beachracing) dont anymoe
Competitively rode horses, dont any more
Hold NZ textile certificates...dont work in textiles
Hold a diploma in fashion design. Dont work in the fashion industry
Have done numerous accounting papers, will never be an accountant.
Several Psychology papers, still messed up and could not be anyones therapist lol.
Belly dancer......yeah dont do that anymore either.
Ceroc Dancing...not anymore
and a plethora of other dance and hobbie and study things throughout the years, but nothing has held my interest for long enough to be a continual thing.
It's like once I am able to do something it loses its appeal to me.
Focus to me is a vehicle Ford released a few years ago.
Oh yeah the picture is my wonderful Dad, my older sister and me about 42 years ago :-)