Tuesday, March 24, 2009

It's only Wednesday

So why do I feel like a complete sloth already? This normally doesnt happen until at least friday morning. Usually as I am driving through countless streams of trafffic across town to work. Then it hits like a brick between the eyes, that "Oh I want to just turn around and go home" feeling. Anyway its only wednesday and I feel like this already. This is going to make the rest of the week totally sucky.
Oh and after last weeks little melt down I ended up going out on Saturday night and having a blast. I danced the night away with the girlies and got an entire weeks worth of exercise in the space of a few short hours. Total fun girls, thanks for dragging my sorry arse out.
Went fishing on Saturday, out on the water type fishing not the trolling through bars type of fishing. Although I must do some of that soon
Caught a couple of fish, so had freshies for dinner that night. Totally Yum!
I have to spend every night for the next blardy week finishing off my goddam portfolio for my last uni paper. Then it will all be over. I will have finished my course and will be free to indulge in some rampant drunken debauchery. I just know I will feel the need to celebrate loudly and long, with friends having to apologise to anyone I might offend with my language and lewdness. Oh bring on the lewdness. Bring on the celebrations!!
But I must finish this rotten sucky bollocky assignment first so focus Betty, focus..
Theres a whole wide world waiting for me to come out and play!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Best Laid Plans of ...................me

Well there goes my weekend of socialising. I had big plans you know. There was a band involved , and the local pub and two nights of drinking and boogying........now its gone, all my plans have gone out the door , up the blardy garden path , never to be seen again. Why you may ask?? Well last night I got this tingling feeling they talk about in the advert and then this morning I awoke to a huckie great cold sore forming on my lower lip. Nice, incredibly attractive and now I fume.
I hate these bloody things, havent had one for years and now this summer I have had two. Both after a day in the sun out on the boat without my lipscreen. When will I learn. I feel like a social pariah now and have decided all plans must stop and I will pull the curtains and keep indoors all weekend because there is no way on this great earth me and my coldsore are going to be seen in public together. Now dont get me wrong this is not a little " slap a bit of lippy on it" and no one will notice jobbie, this is a "makes my lips look like Angelina Jolie's collegen infused pout" type of thing. If I pout any more I will trip over the damn thing.
You know, this year I decided my new years resolution was not going to be about giving something up, like alcohol or ciggarettes. No, It was going to be about getting/doing more of something instead. I personally felt this was a way more positive approach and I would probably stick to it a damn sight longer if I was getting more of something than giving something up.
It wasnt chocolate no.
I decided that my New Years Resolution was that I was going to kiss more. Yes thats right, kiss more. Kiss who?? it didnt matter too much I just decided I was going to kiss more. This in itself posed a problem, I needed to find someone to kiss in the first instance.
Ok this I am still working on, though I have managed a few practise runs so far.
Alas, this weekend there will be no kissing, no snogging, no dancing. Oh woe is me :( . I am so not used to sitting at home all weekend these days I like to go out and create havoc and enjoy my weekends so that I have something to get me through Mondays.
I went to the chemist and bought some of those patchy-things that go over the top and then you can put your lippy on.....well these are great, if you want to walk around looking like you have a stray polkadot landed on your lip! They dont work so well when you use a liquid gloss type lippy it would seem.
Oh well I guess this means I will catch up on my study this weekend. Either that or drink copious amounts of rum while lying on the couch sulking, eating chocolate and watching DVD's all weekend.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Is Just Me

Ok, this blogging business has me fascinated. It seems I can vent a lot of things on a blog and inject a lot of cynical potty-mouthed humour and people might find it funny.
Well to start with it doesnt sound that nice does it I mean like
"ewwww look at that"one might say and get the reply
"omg its a blog right there in the middle of the footpath, how disgusting" Bit like the word squab if you know what I mean and I have a certain friend of mine who knows exactly what I mean when I talk about squabs.
Let me introduce myself. I am Jo, I have a son and two dogs all of which do nothing but eat and sleep and mess up the house. Oh and I live in Auckland, New Zealand. Fascinating shit really I know.
I'm a lexophile (look it up sicko!) and I adore chocolate. Unfortunately chocolate adores me also and stalks me every time I go shoppping. It sits on those damn shelves in the supermarket calling me softly like a siren from the deep until I run at top speed down the isle and grab it and throw it frantically into my trolley hoping nobody including myself saw me do it. Then I take it home and toss it into the topmost corner of the pantry in absolute disgust with myself only to be heaving myself onto a dining room chair 3 hours later because the poxy thing is playing mind games with me and I am so weak, so very very weak when it comes to chocolate. Now in saying that I have just stuffed down my gullet a handful of jelly babies, sickly sweet and, well, nice. Until that is you stop and think that they have gelatine in them and gelatine is made out of ground up pigs feet apparently. Thats quite revolting really I have just eaten a handful of ground up pigs feet. Oh gross now I want to be sick in my mouth!