Thursday, July 1, 2010

Bachelor Number 2..... If you were taking a lady out to lunch.......

Of which he didnt. I got a last minute cancellation because he had a meeting with his Boss. Flick off or truth??? you decide.
Batchelor Number 3 who wasnt on my current list but someone I spoke to a few months ago who liked what I said about where I lived so much he decided to check the place out and loved it so much he bought a house in the neighbourhood........stalkerish or what?? Called last night to say he has moved in , got all settled in and would I like to catch up for a drink.....So thats tonights agenda.
A drink at the local pub at the local marina, because I live by a Marina of course.

1 comment:

  1. Ohh! You live by a marina! Lovely! Nick would love you, except of course he wouldn't be allowed to since he's married. To me.

    I hope the drink with the new neighbor went well! Could be very convenient...or very inconvenient, depending on how you feel about him.
