Wednesday, January 12, 2011

DIY Christmas

Well Christmas Holidays are over and here I am back at work for a rest. Yes you heard right, a rest.
This is because I had a DIY Christmas that involved some major ripiing out of fireplaces and pulling apart of walls, and painting and re gibbing etc. Thankfully I had the assistance of the wonderful boyfriend as you can see in the pictures below.

The first cut is the deepest..

Then Glen got into his stride ripping off wall..

Of course I helped although someone had to stop to take pictures occasionally.
Then out came that poxy old woodchip heater that nearly burnt my house down in 2009
A completely stripped wall. Down to the Pink Batts (insulation)
Oops How did that get in there, I really did do some work honest....

Even when renovating one must always look their best and be outfitted appropriately for the occasion.

Wall Gibbed and stopped and ready to paint this weekend. :-)


  1. Good work Team Dynamo! If only things moved along so well at the little shack on the prairie.

    P.S. LOVE your gloves.

  2. lol arent they gorgeous. I got the tiara for my birthday and the gloves for Christmas from my Aunty lol. Couldnt resist taking thie pic. Had to be done really.

  3. Awesome! Love the tiara and gloves! And love that you two are having such a good time together.
