Monday, October 12, 2009

It's Been Too Long

Ok so its been months since I blogged. Starting back at Tech and having lectures two nights a week and of course the relationship with Mountin Man mentioned in earlier blog, I have been neglecting my blog spot. Not that anyone has actually noticed of course.
Life has been busy and traumatic with housefires and broken down cars and general ho hum of winter driving me nuts but now the sun begins to shine again.
Work is.......well work. I have neglected family and friends alike lately so what better way to catch up with them all than to do the halloween thing.
I love a good party and envisage this one being full on with skeletons and spiders and witches and ghouls hanging around. Officially this will be the start of my summer party season I guess, next will be Christmas and then New Year and I am sure I can find various other reasons to pull out the marquee and make some noise.

That Teenager who lives in my house starts his NCEA's in a months time so he is supposed to be studying but it seems he is studying girls more than school books lately ffs!!
The Mountain Man is working his way through his studies and me? I am begging for extensions on my assignments from my tutor because I have a brain that is refusing to function correctly at the moment along with a body that has gone on strike.

A List, I need to make a list. I love lists. In the weekends I make lists of what housework I need to do because being able to tick things off as I do them seems to keep me focussed.
How do other people who have terrible focus isses get by I wonder.

Anyway happy Toosday.

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