I have a small issue.
Next week is my son's 18th birthday (omg 18??? where the hell did that go?)
Yes it shocks me when I look at him and think he is turning 18 next week. Sometimes I long to go back to his younger preteen days when he was this happy, chatty, chirpy, full of life, no stopping me kid. I am not really coping so well with the teenage angsting and sulleness and sulks and hatey parent attitude but aside from all that my problem is this...
What the hell do I get him for his birthday???
I have no idea! He never asks for anything and if I ask him what he would like he says he doesnt know and there is nothing he really needs or wants. Even when he was little he never used to say I want this or I want that for my birthday so he hasnt been easy to buy for at times. Over his teen years things like an MP3 player, media player, or low end cell phone have done the trick but for his 18th I feel it's gotta be something a bit special.
So please if anyone has any ideas or ask your partners/husbands or older sons what they think would be a good present for him.
No not a car please he has one already so does not need another and mothers budget wouldnt stretch to it anyway.