Oh me, oh my. I am contemplating expanding those horizons. I have discovered several places I can become a member of out my way including another boat club...........will this make me a traitor to my home boat club I wonder? I mean I am still going to be a member at the home ground, I just am going to join the "other one" as well, and then I could continue onto the local RSA (could find myself a rich old codger waiting to pan out maybe) and then there is the Pub up the road that I could also become a local at. Any number of opportunities in this little radius exist. However when I suggested all this to "the girlfriends" they all rolled their eyes and said it wasnt exactly expanding very far and they had further afield in mind when making such wise arsed suggestions. I honestly feel like a fisherman now , I mean how far am I supposed to lay this dragnet fgs??? I know it sounds miserable of me but really, I am quite miserable when it comes to going out. I prefer to hang with friends locally or be at home. I am not reclusive, just too blardy lazy to get the good gears on and head out too far. This is very simply because at the end of the night I have a massive trek out through the boonies to get back home and quite frankly when one has partaken or imbibed of copious amounts of alcohol (In my case that amounts to about 4 glasses. I'm a cheap drunk) navigating the way home can be trecherous
So in any case I have filled out my membership form for the "other" club and am now off to find a current member who will vouch for me and co-sign the form. This may take bribery on my part to convince them I am trustworthy enough to become a member.
All very proper and civilised you see...........
For those in New Zealand, I feel a Tui's add coming on!!