Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The grin, The grin is that of a Cheshire Feline

I am employed, possibly twice or two times or whatever.
MIT want me to do some work for them, its casual contract work but they are offering me this in the hope that they can give me something permanent once the departmental merger is complete, the twice is I went for an interview at a scientific research facility in the city on Monday and was waiting to hear back from them through the agency. Said Agency rang me yesterday and they want me in for a second interview this friday which is not so much an interview apparently but a 'Meet the Team' and the chief scientist guy.
Two jobs , two possibilities, well one is a certainty the other hinges on fridays interview. either way MIT want me to work for them as long as they can keep me. I dont feel so useless anymore me.
Although being made redundant shook the heck outta me and I was scared and worried and stressing (so much so I now have a cold sore on my lip blerk!) I get them when I am run down and stressed overly much. I decided the day after I finished work I wasnt going to let it beat me, I was going to hit it with uber positivity and make it work to my advantage and this is the attitude I took to interviews and so far it seems to work. People are saying to me I am handling it so well and while I have changed my attitude and am now, I wasnt before, it had dragged me right down to constant tearsville. In accordance with they way I try to think I talked myself out of the blues and into the summers eve, gentle breeze, good book place I like to be.
So now I go to the friday meeting with a blardy coldsore (or as I say a coleslaw) on my lip, out with the compeed patches and the lippy to hide it I guess lol. Either way if the science one doesnt pan out I still have the MIT one.

The science one means catching the ferry with a 2 km walk to the lab and back to the ferry again at the end of the day which, while it is fine will be nice but in winter could suck severely. Still the enforced walk exercise will tone up my gluteous maximuses and large tree trunk sized thighs and I could end up with legs that can wear boots again and a body that doesnt make me puke when I see it in a mirror and a hernia that is no more...............see I found the positive side again.


  1. That's fantastic news!!! Not even a week out, and soon you'll be enjoying the severance payment while earning at your new gig. Talk about having your cake and eating it too. Way to go, you, with your positive attitude and all.

  2. I am so happy about this. It doesn't surprise me at all - you are so obviously smart and talented.

    As for the cold sores - I get them when I'm stressed as well, although less now because I have a prescription for Valtrex, and take it at the first sign. Also, L-lysine, which is an amino acid, you can take daily as a preventative.
